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Recumbent Information Sources

Updated January 2015


Discussion Groups & Recumbent Information


Human Powered Vehicle Association

An international organization with an emphasis on building and racing human powered vehicles. A large portion of HPVA activities center around recumbents. Please note that the HPVA website has not been updated for quite some time. -


Michigan Human Powered Vehicle Association

This Michigan Chapter of the International Human Powered Vehicle Association concentrates on recumbent building and racing. The Chapter holds a series of races in early June that are refreshingly relaxed (i.e. time trials, hill climbs and coast downs etc.). The Chapter also holds occasional informal rides. Dues for the Chapter are $10/year and can be sent to MHPVA c/o Bill Frey, 402 Roland Court, Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 - 


Recumbent and Tandem Rider Magazine

Quarterly publication evenly divided between tandem and recumbent bikes. Subscriptions, $9.95/year –


The Recumbent Bicycle

A book completely devoted to recumbents. 180+ pages with chapters dealing with recumbent information, history, design and extensive resource guide -


Interesting Links recumbent page -

Coast to coast on a recumbent -

Human powered boats -

Linear recumbent enthusiast webpage -

North American Velomobilists webpage -

Ryan recumbent enthusiast webpage -

Tandem recumbents -

Tri-County (Lansing) Recumbent Riders -


Recumbent Trike Corner

"Moving To A Recumbent Trike" -

Adult Trike Rviews -


Wolver-Bent News Articles (PDF files) 

Night Recumbent Riding

Winter Recumbent Riding

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